Yes, I'm sure everyone has a bucket list in your mind, if not actually written down. You may not think of it as such, but if there are things you want to do, places you want to see, activities you want to participate in, etc....then you've got a bucket list!
As I've gotten older, I've come to realize this and to tick off some of those boxes on my list. No, I don't have them actually written down. There are just some things that I've always wanted to do. For instance, I've always dreamed of showing a halter horse at the top level and placing well in the class. After 25 years of having this dream, I actually achieved this goal in 2013 at the age of 50 and after some major health changes and physical limitations too! One of our pinto saddlebred mares and I were named Pinto World Champions in Amateur to Handle Mare Halter. Yep, 3+ years later and I'm still pretty happy about that one. 😍
I've also always had a soft spot in my heart for western pleasure black Arabians. I've owned a couple of black Arabian stallions over the years and one of them was a western pleasure horse, but he wasn't a pleasure to ride! He was always "on" and you felt like you were sitting on a rocket, ready to launch! LOL quiet, laid back, black, western pleasure, Arabian show horse is still on my bucket list. I think 2017 may be the year to start planning for this horse in my life!
I think Varian Arabians is the gold standard for pretty western horses, in my opinion. I'm hoping to find a nice mare to cross with a Varian bred black stallion. His name is Klint Black (Desperado V x Windsong Bey). He is gorgeous with a laid back personality and has proven himself over and over again in the western and now hunter under saddle ring! He's also National Champion Arabian Sport Horse In Hand! I'd LOVE a foal by him. Now the trick is, to find a well bred mare that is also conformationally correct, who will cross well with him AND give me guaranteed black foals! The hunt is on!!
Here are a few pictures of Klint Black for you to enjoy!
On the bucket list is also a covered riding arena. I've always wanted one but never had the extra money to get one. The "extra" money always went towards living treasures (ie: animals). I think in the next year or two, that may become a reality for me. That is purely a luxury and one that I'd dearly love to enjoy. I'd like to have it in place, by the time my future black foal is ready to ride! ☺
So here's to Spring, to a renewal of life and a renewal of dreams! Fingers and toes crossed that the next blog in April is introducing you to our new family member!! 😆 Until then, I hope that all of YOUR dreams are alive and well! Take care.